The health of the body, including skin or hair, as well as well-being depends on hormonal balance. When this is disturbed, the body ceases to function efficiently and there are problems with the appearance and well-being. Hormonal imbalance can be manifested by excessive hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, the appearance of acne, loss of skin elasticity and a number of other symptoms affecting our appearance. This is because hormones act as messengers between the endocrine and nervous systems and the rest of the body. Therefore, during the endocrinological consultation, the physician interviews the patient to determine the state of health and usually orders tests such as:


Blood count

  •     Testing the level of TSH (i.e. the level of thyrotropin concentration)
  •      fT3 and fT4 tests (determining the level of thyroid hormones)
  •      Thyroid ultrasound
  •      Anti-TPO (anti-thyroid antibody test)
  •      Testing the level of vitamin D3 in the body (this is related to hyperparathyroidism).

Therapy depends on the results of tests and possibly diagnosed diseases.

See our other services.

Consultation duration: 30 minutes

Consultation price: PLN 300
